Monday, July 18, 2011


Do you want to be Chanel.Model's next top model?

If so fill out this application then it post it in the topic :]

1. Name
2. Age
3. Country
4. Why do you want to win?
5. Who is your fashion icon?
6. How much knowledge do you have and what?
7. Best Scenery: (tinypic)

Thank You!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Name: Michelle
    2. Age: 14
    3. Country: United States
    4. Why do you want to win?: It'll be the only thing i've accomplished so far in the modeling business .(:
    5. Who is your fashion icon? Twiggy (because she's original & one of the first .)
    6. How much knowledge do you have and what? i know how to pose & do graphic deigns you can see my blog & my sceneries in the tinyOpic links .(:
    7. Best Scenery: (tinypic)
